Rat & Mice Exterminator

Residential and Commercial Exterminator Services
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Commercial and Residential Mouse and Rat Exterminator Vancouver Island

Rats and mice can cause immense damage to foodstuffs, buildings, wiring, and more. It is essential that you contact a professional rodent control specialist as soon as you know you have an infestation so that they can implement the proper rodent control procedures.

Rat bites, scratches, urine, and handling or inhalation of scat (rat & mouse feces) can cause human liver and kidney damage which can result in renal and liver failure, as well as cardiovascular problems.

Rats and mice, although they can look cute, are destructive pests that burrow into cupboards, walls, closets, electrical wiring which can cause fires, and they destroy food supplies. The destruction to the structural integrity of your home or commercial building, can be costly in terms of repairs and replacements and increase home heating bills. They also carry germs and diseases that put your family’s health at serious risk!

When you need professional extermination services because your yard, house, or business is being overrun rodents interfering with your family’s quality of life, First Class Pest Control is here to help you.

FIRST CLASS PEST CONTROL IS PROFESSIONAL, CERTIFIED EXPERTS in structural pest control and indoor or outdoor extermination for Vancouver Island.

When you want your pest problem exterminated for good call Toll-Free:1-888-714-5531 or
drop us an email.


Qualicum Beach, Parksville, Nanoose Bay, Lantzville, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Duncan


Call us for a free consultation and we’ll help asses your situation and come up with practical solution to your pest problems.