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Is your home and yard infested with Carpenter Ants, Flying Queen Ants (breeding ants), Red Ants, Sugar Ants or Pavement Ants?

When you need professional ant extermination services because your yard, house or business is being overrun with ants interfering with your family’s quality of life, First Class Pest Control is here to help you. Professional, certified experts in structural pest control and indoor or outdoor ant extermination for Vancouver Island, when you want your ant pest problem exterminated, call First Class Pest Control!

Rat bites, scratches, urine, and handling or inhalation of scat (rat & mouse feces) can cause human liver and kidney damage which can result in renal and liver failure, as well as cardiovascular problems.

Rats and mice, although they can look cute, are destructive pests that burrow into cupboards, walls, closets, electrical wiring which can cause fires, and they destroy food supplies. The destruction to the structural integrity of your home or commercial building, can be costly in terms of repairs and replacements and increase home heating bills. They also carry germs and diseases that put your family’s health at serious risk!

Cockroaches may carry bacteria such as salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and harbour viruses such as the polio virus.

Cockroaches are not just a disturbing pest, they are truly harmful, and difficult to get rid of. They have been recorded to eat human flesh of both the living and the dead, although they are more likely to take a bite of fingernails, eyelashes, feet and hands, causing irritation, lesions and swelling. Elimination of cockroaches from your home or commercial building should be done swiftly and by a trusted, certified, pest control professional.

Products to control fleas in and around your home may require repeat treatments to kill the larvae and adult fleas.

Fleas are small, parasitic insects that feed by sucking blood from mammals and birds. Most commonly brought in to your home by your pet dog or cat, fleas were once considered pet-specific parasite however fleas do feed from humans as well, making this an annoying problem for you, your pets, your children and guests. Fleas can carry and transmit several potential illnesses of importance to humans, including typhus and plague, and can transmit “cat scratch disease” among cats who can then spread the disease to humans. Additionally, fleas serve as an intermediate host for tapeworms, which can infect your pet and occasionally humans.


Wasp vs Hornet: Hornets are a subset of wasps, and while often peaceful, their stings can be fatal.

Wasps and hornets vary in where they will make a nest. Some wasps prefer high areas such as Attics, Treetops, under roofs, decking, sheds, hollow tree trunks, and other areas that kids love to play, but some types of hornets prefer to burrow underground. Unlike bees, wasps and hornets can sting you, your family, and guests repeatedly, making them dangerous – and sometimes fatal. Think you have a wasp or hornet’s nest? Get a professional, certified expert in structural pest control and indoor or outdoor hornet extermination for Vancouver Island.


Call us for a free consultation and we’ll help assess your situation and come up with practical solution to your pest problems.