Ant Exterminator & Pest Control

Residential and Commercial Extermination Services
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Commercial and Residential Ant Exterminator Vancouver Island

Is your home and yard or commercial property infested with Carpenter Ants, Flying Queen Ants (breeding ants), Red Ants, Sugar Ants, or Pavement Ants?

The first step in eradicating an infestation is to get a proper assessment of which species of ant you have to deal with. From there, we can decide the best way to deal with them. Our qualified experts will be able to formulate the best ant control plan for you.

When you need professional ant extermination services because your yard, house, or business is being overrun with ants interfering with your family’s quality of life, First Class Pest Control is here to help you.

FIRST CLASS PEST CONTROL IS PROFESSIONAL, CERTIFIED EXPERTS in structural pest control and indoor or outdoor ant extermination for Vancouver Island.

When you want your ant pest problem exterminated for good call Toll-Free: 1-888-714-5531 or
drop us an email.


Qualicum Beach, Parksville, Nanoose Bay, Lantzville, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Duncan


Call us for a free consultation and we’ll help asses your situation and come up with practical solution to your pest problems.